Hello Friends,
I hope that you all had a great weekend. It is nice outside, at least in Central Oregon. It sounds like some of you guys got a lot fog.
I am sure enjoying working on my "In the News" pages, and it is fun getting to know you readers little by little. It has been three weeks since I started working on this, and there are now 290 likes! I took a dip for a half-day, but the numbers are climbing again. That makes me so happy.
One of my little slogans, "We might never learn all the details, but that doesn't mean it never happened." might sound silly, but it makes perfect sense to me.
Yesterday, as I was listening to the scanner, I came across a story already in progress. The SWAT team was just getting to the house in La Pine where a man and a woman were hiding. The man had been part of a drive-by shooting at a home between La Pine and Gilchrist. Nobody was hurt in the drive-by or during the stand-off.
The Oregon State Police promptly did a news release about the situation, and a Medford news station picked it right up and we were able to learn the details. Here is the link to that article: KDRV.com - La Pine Swat Stand-off Ends in Arrest.
But, there was something else that happened in La Pine yesterday that we may never learn more about. Just past noon on Sunday (Jan. 25th), a call came in, and the dispatcher on the scanner told about a woman who had been hurt and held at knife-point for four hours by an intoxicated male that she knew. She escaped, went to a neighbors home and called the cops.
The guy jumped in his black Jeep and took off. He had two large hunting knives and possibly a bow with him. The Deschutes County Sheriff's and OSP were trying to find him. He lives in Eugene, so they figured that he would be heading that way. Oakridge Police were also notified.
That is when I left my scanner and go into Bend to watch American Sniper with my husband, so I missed listening to the rest of the story unfold. (The movie was most excellent by-the-way, and was different than I thought it was going to be.)
When I got back, one of the "In the News" readers said that the man had parked his car on her street and left. She noticed the black Jeep and called the cops. They came out with their K-9 dog, but there wasn't a scent to follow. Maybe he called somebody for a ride.
Police know who he is and where he lives, and who knows, they might have him by now. I'm not sure that we will hear about this in the news. I am just so glad that the woman is safe. That was some scary stuff.
Well, that is about it for this morning. Enjoy this beautiful day.
~ Kathy M.

Here is the scanner report for yesterday. My scanner went on strike for Friday and Saturday. I am going to get a new one today, and am choosing a desktop model this time.
These go in descending order to save me some work:
Sunday, January 25, 2015:
1:08 - Kids on motorcycles are
riding around in Vic Russell's gravel pit. That is actually pretty dangerous. Sometimes people try to ride up rock piles and get buried and die that way. Just sayin'
12:24 - La Pine - Suspect has gotten
into his car and drove by the house where she is at, but doesn't know that she
is there. He is probably going to Eugene and OSP has been contacted. He most
likely has 2 large hunting knives and maybe a bow in the car. He is driving a black Jeep.
12:15 p.m. - La Pine - in a
neighborhood off of Findley Butte Rd., a woman has escaped being held captive
for 4 hours at knife-point by an intoxicated male. The male has left on foot,
probably to go to another address. They know who the guy is.
12:01 - La Pine - Cop is asking for
somebody else to go with him to a house on Burgess Rd.
10:25 - Police are making
arrangements to talk to a guy inside a house. I am assuming that he is a threat
to himself, as his Mom is outside and is talking with him. I have missed the
location, but I think this is happening in La Pine.
10:22 - I am listening, and I am reading Jim Henderson's scanner notes. There is definitely something else big going on. The first one was on Meadow Lane and it is wrapped up. This one must be the Old Mill one (disclaimer on that though). The cops now have their "Tacticle Tech" on site.
10:12 - Bend - Meadow and Brookswood: Teenage boys are fighting. No weapons are involved.
10:04 - The police are still working on the case below, and it sounds like there is also something else going on. On Old Mill (unless this is where the above incidence is) somebody just came out with their hands on top of their head, and cops are "clearing the residence." At 9:24 a.m., an officer said, "I will take the suspicious bread call." I wonder what that is about?
Good Morning! What a gorgeous morning it is here in La Pine. Today is a scanner day (that means that it is working). I talked Cary into a new one last night, so these reports will become more frequent. If you scroll down a few, there are some details on this morning's standoff in the Day Road area. It sounds as if things are under control now; the last that I heard they were waiting for a search warrant and one man was arrested.
Kathy Matthews
Email: oregongiftsofcomfortandjoy@hotmail.com
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