Lane County (Population: 365,940) - Eugene
If it looks like I haven't gotten much filled in yet, please keep scrolling down to the older cases. The newer cases do not have photos or pertinent details posted, unless the family is active in the search or non-profit organizations are working the case.
It is my hope that by doing this report that everybody will be found. If your name is on here and you are okay, please contact the Oregon State Police to get your name removed from their data base. Also, please let me know so that I can put "FOUND SAFE" after your name.
I also hope that this will help find the identities of some of the people who are currently in the OSP morgue.
~ KM
These are people who have gone missing in Lane County during 2017/2018, according to the Oregon State Police website. Some of these people may be back home by now, but I will post pictures, details and posters that I find under their names:
Aguilar, Jose Manuel 23/23
Allen, Benn Jason 17/17 *
Ashley, Bethany Ann 17/16 *
Becknell, James Dean 21/21
Beller, Sean Ryan 15/15 *
Benali, Edir Alain 32/32
Bigelow, Christopher James 16/16 *
Biggs, Candon Tyler 15/15 *
Bollinger, Cayla Maykeala 24/24
Brown, Joshua Allen 14/14 *
Burden, Skylyr Tar 24/24
Cardwell, Harvey Allan 32/32
Choutka, Richard Biewer 54/53
Coleman, Anna Lynn 15/15 *
Cross, James Wayne 42/41
Crutchfield, Jeremy Trevor 23/23
Dogali, Carrie Elizabeth 15/15 *
Eastman, Crystal Dawn 64/64
Eckert, Jasmine Jane 23/23
Edris, Jacob Logan 31/31
Last heard from on Nov. 14, 2017 Jacob was last seen on 11/14/2017 at Walgreens on River Road in Eugene. He was wearing blue jeans, a gray sweatshirt and a black baseball cap with brown brim. He was carrying a black backpack and may be riding a gray Granite Peak bicycle.
Enright, Bryan Michael 37/36
Erb, Raymond Charles 51/51
Epsy, Miya Marie 14/14 *
Ewing, Donna Louise 53/53
Fergason, Jessica Ann 15/15 *
Fifer, Devin Michael 16/16 *
Fittipaldi, Blake Aaron 15/15 *
Fulthorpe, Sierrah Rose 16/16 *
Gallion, Michelle Lynne 50/50
Goddard, Merlin Emery 29/29
Griffing, Robert Michael 70/70
Groat, Daniella Brionna 17/17 *
Hald, Andrew 18/18 *
Hamilton, Dylan James 14/14 *
Hansen, Constance Kay 54/54
Harris, Mark Allen 54/54
Hart, Aaron Thomas 14/14 *
Harvey, Noah Francis 16/15 *
Hemingway, Korbin Kordell 12/12 *
Jensen, John Davies 17/17 *
Johnson, MacKenzie Corley 18/17 *
Johnston, Chad Aaron 32/32
Jones, Joshua Anthony 15/15 *
Keehner, Nina Tolson 55/55
Knight, Christina 16/15 *
Kunkle, Shalee Ann 16/16 *
Lackey, Gabe Abraham, 17/17 *
Lekoff, Peyton James 13/13 *
Long, Michael Steven 28/28
Lortie, Craig 62/62
Not sure this is the same person, but a RG death notice was posted on Jan. 9th, 2018 for a 62-year-old Craig Lortie:
Craig Mark Lortie, 62, of Eugene, died Jan. 4. Arrangements by Musgrove Family Mortuary in Eugene.
Loucks, Paul Arthur 67/67
Madubike, Tavon Tyrese 12/12 *
Mannis, Olyviah Eden 16/16 *
McDonald, Sarah Janel 17/16 *
Mcelhone, Rodney Aaron 18/18 *
McKay, Claudia Sue 63/62
McNellis, Tony Allen 41/41
Miller, Alec Luke 49/49
Miller, Lathen Robert Zane 18/18 *
Mishler, Karl J. 17/18 *
Landlord has not seen Karl since 6-9-1998. He left the residence and did not take any belongings.
Morrow, Jaden Rae 15/15 *
Mower, Jamiah Thomas 13/13 *
Muhs, Devin Jalynn 16/16 *
Newman, William Joseph 55/55
Ochodnicky, Joshua Bradley 13/13 *
Ochodnicky, Nickolis Cheyenne 16/16 *
O'Conner, Arthur J. 48/47
O'hollaren Jack Charles 22/21
Ortega, Jadyn Shanti 17/17 *
Parrott, Brenda Lee 60/59
Quirnomorales, Edith Ruby 15/15 *
Radestam, Keith Ryan 17/17 *
Rhoads, Kathryn Ann 46/45
Rivera, Elba Sonia 69/69
Samuels Michael Dwayne 22/22
Sigler, Leonard 60/60
Simmons, Savanah 15/15 *
Stabenow, Annika 17/17 *
Sweat, Mitchell David 46/46
Thompson, Xavier Malikjavahgh 17/17
Torres, Chastity Lynn 18/18 *
Vanderbeck, Kayce Brooke 16/16 *
Vasquez, Jaelin Rose 15/15 *
Velasquez, Francy Lizzeth 19/19 *
Francy was last seen on September 24, 2014.
Wallace, Allen Merel 52/52
Westmoreland, Walter Todd 17/17 *
Whipplejohnson, Tacoda Clarence 13/13 *
Weigand, Jack Christopher 32/32
Wilkerson, John 18/18 *
Williams, Tylynne Albert 26/26
Wilson, Robert Ray 49/49
Yarbrough, Autumn Lorraine 16/16 *
Missing in 2017/2018, found on sources other than OSP:
Wicks, Dennis Gene - (FB post of 4/18 ... missing since 2017):
"I will start here.. I AM ESPECIALLY REACHING OUT TO THE OAKRIDGE COMMUNITY. My uncle has been missing since last year and we are desperate to know if anyone has seen him. He is a drifter so we thought he was just out doing his thing. But he has failed to contact any family and we are now officially worried. If you have seen him please contact the number on the flier. Thank you."
Missing After 2017: Age now/Age when went missing
(This list is from the Oregon State Police website.):
Caldwell, Brian Dale 57/52
Brian D. Caldwell ~ NamUs PagePossibly took a bus to the San Francisco area.
Carrozzo, Salvatore Richard 66/61
Unknown. Salvatore was last seen at a friend's residence in the 88000 block of U.S. Hwy 101 in Florence, OR. He may have been seen on December 15, 2006 at a the Twin Lakes store nearby. His camp was located in the Sutton Lake Recreation area.
Charles, Jerome Clements 60/29
Left his fathers residence on W. 3rd, stating he was going for a walk and would return in 2 hours. He has not been seen since.
Chirukandoth, Sashidharan P. 69/62
Sashidharan P. Chirukandoth (Drowning?)Lane | |
Sashidharan was last seen at approximately 3:50pm in the vicinity of McKenzie River at Partridge Ln. in Eugene, OR. Sashidharan overturned in a kayak while boating on the McKenzie River.
Cotten, Thomas Eugene 61/53
MP last seen when dropped off on Weyerhaeuser Rd 100, with 22 rifle, 09/09/2009.
Cranford, John Burl 64/57
COTTAGE GROVE, Ore. — A wallet discovered near a small pile of bones last week contained the identification of a man who was last seen a decade ago, authorities said.
Lane County sheriff's investigators declined to disclose the name on the Oregon driver's license and said they wouldn't know for certain whose remains had been found until they got a DNA match.
Detectives have yet to find relatives of the man whose name appears on the license.
"We have not officially released the name, in part because we have not been able to notify next of kin," sheriff's Lt. Randy Smith said.
Smith, however, said the identification card belonged to a person who was reported missing in Lane County in 1996.
The Cottage Grove resident who discovered the bones said the driver's license belonged to John Burl Cranford. John Perry spotted the bones while walking his dog near Highway 99.
"I just kept poking around after I saw the bones, and sure enough, there was the wallet," Perry said. "I'd walked past that area several times before and never noticed it. It couldn't have been more than about a quarter-mile from my house."
Researchers at the University of Oregon's anthropology department are reconstructing the bones.
According to the National Center for Missing Adults, Cranford was 43 when he disappeared Aug. 17, 1996. The center's Web site, which lists Cranford as an endangered missing adult, said he was last seen in Eugene.
"This guy probably has family somewhere that's been wondering for 10 years what happened to him," Perry said. "Maybe this will help them get a little closure." Seattle Times/Associated Press
Defoe, Douglas Edward 55/43
Mr. Defoe's partial remains (missing portions of both arms) were located in the Willamette river 16 miles south of Corvallis Oregon in December of 1994. DNA identification made October 2012.
Dehoop, Wendy Marie 57/45
Wendy M. Dehoop ~ NamUS
Unknown. Wendy was last seen at approximately 7:00am in the vicinity of the 1000 block of Green Acres Rd. in Eugene, OR. She was scheduled to drive to Hasley, OR but never arrived. Her vehicle described as a white two door 1990 Toyota Corolla SR5 was later located on 05/02/05 in south Eugene, OR.
Dow, Robert Steven 60/53
Robert Dow left his residence in Eugene, Oregon on December 6, 2010, at about 6:30 p.m. to have a cigarette before bed. He did not return home.
Dressler, Benjamin James 60/42
Dressler, Benjamin James 18/15 (**)
Benjamin J. Dressler ~ NamUs Page
Benjamin was involved in a witnessed plane crash over the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Florence, Oregon
Elkins, Kevin Daniel 56/44
Kevin D. Elkins ~ NamUS PageKevin was last seen at approximately 11:00am picking up his weekly money at the bank in the vicinity of 10th and Oak St. in Eugene, OR. He has a medical condition.
Estrada-Aviles, Luis 53/49
MP last seen on 09-04-2013 and was reported missing by his employer on 09-1-62013 after uncharacteristically not showing up for work.
Foster, Ian 27/21
Fry, Donald Wayne 52/39
Unknown. Donald was last seen at approximately 9:00pm on the Lookout Point Dam 22 miles SE of Eugene on OR58 in Lowell, OR. Investigation indicates that Mr. Fry is most likely in the reservoir.
Gamaperez, Daniel 08/02 *
Gonzales, Russel Matthew 53/46
Unknown. Russell was last heard from in the Eugene, OR area. His vehicle, described as a blue 1986 VW Quantum, was later located in July 2006 on Forest Service Rd. 5847 MP 8 south of Eugene, OR. He was en route to the Coos Bay/North Bend, OR area. Russell has a medical condition.
Hatcher, Robyn Leslie 17/14 *
Hayward, Jeremy Adam 41/22
Unknown. Jeremy was last seen at a hospital in the vicinity of 13th Ave. and Hilyard St. in Eugene, OR. He has a medical condition.
Hitson, Laura Lucille 58/44
Laura was being transported to Sacred Heart ER when she bolted. Please note, she can be violent/aggressive without her medications.
Hollar, Vicki Lynn 68/37
Vicki was seen entering her car at a parking lot at 8th Avenue and Washington Street at about 1700 hours. She left work at Bon Marche (now Macy's), where she had been employed as a seamstress for about two weeks. She was possibly headed home to 600 West 27th Avenue, planning to meet a friend to attend a party in the neighborhood. She had a habit of picking up hitchhikers. Her car and purse have never been recovered. Her vehicle is described as a black 1965 Volkswagen Beetle with Illinois license plate GR7738, with the running boards removed.
Johns, Adam Daniel Charles 36/33
Adam Johns was last seen on 10/02/2014 near 35th and Oregon St. in Springfield, OR.
Johnson, Pamela Denise 53/50
Jones, Brian Christopher 44/39 (**)
Brian was climbing a mountain in Three Sisters Wilderness, when he was witnessed to fall. His body was located but rescuers were unable to recover it.
Justis, Suzanne Rae 68/39
Called her mother on 11/5/1973 from Portland, OR and said she would be back in Eugene the following day to pick up her son from school. She has not been heard from since.
Killitz, David Wayne 50/36
Unknown. David was last seen at approximately 10:00am with an acquaintance at the base of the Springfield area cliffs off South 69th St.
Larson, John Franklin 49/45
Lazaro-Oritz, David 22/19 *
David Lazaro Ortiz stopped attending university and left the area and has not been seen since.
Magnuson, Annie Cornell 56/41
Unknown. Anne was last seen at approximately 5:30pm in the vicinity of the 84000 block of Parkway Rd. in Pleasant Hill, OR. All personal belongings were left behind. She has a medical condition.
McClary, Eryn Beth 60/43
Eryn was dropped off at Jesco on Blair on 8-4-1995 and has not been seen since.
Meyers, Kathleen Susan 59/40
Kathleen was last seen at her residence on 6/1/1986.
Moon, Faun Moulton 99/94
Distraught over her recent divorce, MP put her financial affairs in order, sent letters of good bye to her daughters, and walked away from her home and family, never to be heard of again.
Narain, Ashok Kumar 61/50
This person, his wife and young daughter disappeared from Eugene, Oregon in 1987. In September 1987 the murdered bodies of his wife and daughter were found in the State of Washington.
Narain, Raj Mati 54/24
Raj is a female; not on OSP page but on NamUS; same last name as Ashok K. Narain
Raj M. Narain ~ NamUS PageNelson, Christine Ann 68/37
Christine was last seen driving a 1973 Honda 500 motorcycle with Oregon plates in Eugene, OR.
Here is her profile on the Doe Network: Please Click Here |
Kevin S. Nordquist ~ NamUS Page
Kevin was last seen at approximately 10:00pm leaving an acquaintance's residence in the vicinity of the 32400 block of Mathew's Rd. to go to a pub on College Hill Rd. but never arrived.
Parrish, Matthew A. 39/36
Pleva, Linda Rachel 68/37
Unknown. Linda went missing between April 1981 and June 1981 from Eugene, OR.
Raisor, June Olive 84/70
Redmon, Rocky Evan 29/25
Reid, Rebecca Kathleen 58/37
Suspicious circumstances: was last seen getting into a white pickup with a male and has not been seen or heard from since.
Ringo, Virginia Lee 92/67
No photo available
Virginia L. Ringo ~ NamUS Page
Left the above listed address without taking any personal items or clothing and has not been heard from since.
Ryan, Merle L. 59/53
Merle is/was a schizophrenic who bounced around numerous states and is/was often homeless. He was last known alive on 10/17/2012 when arrested in San Francisco, California at near Cesar Chavez St at a park .
Sansovich, Rhonda Gayle 56/27
Unknown. Rhonda was last known to be hitchhiking to California. She may have been seen in the Omaha, NE area in a black Kenworth truck.
Scott M. Sells NamUS Page:
Scott was last seen in the early morning hours at a family member's residence in the vicinity of Adams St. and 4th Ave. in Eugene, OR. He has a medical condition and needs medication.
Smith, Carl Lynn 81/77
Carl was last seen at his home in Springfield, Oregon on 04/26/2013. He suffers from dementia. He insisted on going for a walk and has not been seen since.
Smith, Mark Hamilton 65/62
MP last seen at father's house in Springfield, OR. Father Claude Robert Smith is deceased. Address 2529 Debra Drive, Springfield, OR 97477
Sparrow, Timothy James 66/41
Subject was last seen at Seperation Trailhead off the Mckenzie Highway
Tomlinson, Deborah Lee 60/54
Deborah L. Tomlinson ~ NamUS Page
Debbie ran away from home on October 15, 1973 with another female teen whose identity is unknown.
Walters, Timothy Alan 58/52
MP last seen when he went to bed 9/28/2008, was missing from residence the next morning.
Winters, Robertson Chad 32/23 (**)
Involved in a witnessed rafting accident in the Willamette River near Eugene Oregon and is presumed drowned.
Young, Mitchell Edward 40/28
Missing prior to 2017 and listed on sources other than OSP:
Margaret's car was located on Cummins Ridge Road Trailhead. Vehicle was unattended. Area was searched but did not locate Margaret. She had her dog Roscoe with her, he has been found and taken to animal control.
McCall walked away from her apartment carrying a suitcase and has not been seen or heard from since.
Robert Richardson ~ NamUs Page
Robert Richardson's daughter last heard from him around 6:30am on 02/14/2012, when he called her to ask that she pick up his 2003 Ford Ranger truck from the top of Gowdyville Road (approximately milepost 3) west of Cottage Grove. The vehicle was later located, unattended, near that location.
John and Jane Does for Lane County:
John and Jane Does for Lane County:
Jane Doe, Veneta, 20 to 50, Dec. 2016 NamUS Page
Jane Doe, 20 to 60, Eugene (LCC) Oct. 2005 NamUS Page
Unsolved Murders for Lane County, Oregon:
Do you recognize this man? His DNA is connected to three murders in the Eugene area in the 1980's:
Do you recognize this man? His DNA is connected to three murders in the Eugene area in the 1980's:
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Gladys May Hensley (Photo via Eugene Police Department) |
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Geraldine Spencer Toohey (Photo via Eugene Police Department) |
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Janice Marie Dickinson (Photo via Eugene Police Department) |
Link to the RG article about this man involved in the three unsolved murders in Eugene, Click Here
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